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All life comes from the cosmic chemistry scrap heap called the primordial soup. It says science, but missed a coherent explanation of how life could develop doulton water filter there. Now, the biologist Stuart Kauffman and colleagues developed a theoretical framework doulton water filter for just that. By Robin Engelhardt February 26, 2012 at. 14:00
In the beginning doulton water filter was the primordial soup, and the primordial soup was on Earth. Yes, the primordial soup was the earth - more specifically a cosmic waste pile that during bubbling spasm from meteor impacts and hissing pillars of fire of sulfur and molten metal slowly pulled together into a roughly circular plane. All life comes from this primordial doulton water filter soup, says science. But no one knows how.
We know that the first cyanobacteria appeared in the oceans after 700 million years ie. for about 3.8 billion years ago. But how could something so immensely complicated, so refined and well-adjusted as a bacterial form itself? How could dead lifeless atoms and molecules form a so velspundet network of dependencies, so that they can form a unit, which we call a living organism?
It is a question of the greats, and no one knows the answer. Or rather: Maybe we know the answer in theory - we just have a hard time making the right experiments to confirm the theory. That, at least a couple of heavyweights in theoretical biology, with a new paper in Open Access trade journal Biology Direct has launched doulton water filter a new round of speculation about the origin of life. Autocatalytic networks
One of the authors of the new paper, the American biologist doulton water filter Stuart Kauffman, who in 1993 suggested that the transition from chemistry to biology must be done through a network of molecules which are started to catalyze each other's production. Each molecule could therefore be formed by at least one chemical reaction in the network, and each reaction would be catalysed doulton water filter by at least one other molecule in the network. At any given time, the total network then you could show a primitive form of metabolism and slowly learning how to copy itself.
However, it has been difficult to prove that they actually are able to 'learn' in a Darwinian sense, ie they exhibit reproduction, variation and subsequent adjustments based on an interaction with the environment.
Particularly, the second heavyweight behind the new paper, the Hungarian biologist Eros Szathmary - with the Spaniard Mauro Santos - in an article from 2010 that the larger an autocatalytic network becomes, the less precise will be the backup, which prevents natural selection in to work properly. It was a line in the bill for those who believed that life on Earth started with a primitive autocatalytic networks that perhaps have some sort of metabolism, but have not yet developed its own membrane or a self-propagating mechanism. Chicken doulton water filter and egg
The scientific thinking about the origin of life is nowadays divided into two camps. One is called 'metabolism first camp', the other 'genes first camp', and their relationship to each other is hardly distinguishable from the paradox of the chicken and the egg.
If you believe that metabolism came first, we see it as unlikely that RNA-like molecules (which we know can copy itself) could occur out of the blue, that is, without natural selection doulton water filter first created them for a long evolutionary process. The doubt is supported by studies showing that it is quite impossible to synthesize RNA, PNA, TNA or similar replikationsskabeloner without advanced enzymes that help the process doulton water filter along.
If, however, believe that genes came first, we see it as unlikely that metabolism may be sufficiently stable over several generations, without there having been a key genetic control, which ensures the production of the right molecules.
Stuart Kauffmans autocatalytic networks have been able to turn a bridge over the two points of view, because the command center in an autocatalytic network, the network itself. Without concrete experimental evidence that a primitive autocatalytic network can be stable long enough to develop RNA-like templates, however, it was difficult to convince biologists doulton water filter that we have now solved the riddle doulton water filter of the beginning of life in the primordial soup.
But according to Kauffman, Santos and Szathmary is hopeful. Prebiotc evolution in a garbage heap of simple molecules is possible. It's just not enough with a single autocatalytic networks. There is a need for more autocatalytic network, doulton water filter which are separate from each other in separate containers or cavities (it could be in lerkrystaller, liposomes, micelles, nanotubes, etc.), and which interact with each other in a specific manner. Genotype and phenotype
Specifically, the multiple chemical
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