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ERROR CODE TABLE REFRIGERATOR TOSHIBA - HITACHI halifax water - NATIONAL halifax water - MITSUBISHI - PANASONIC viewed here ERROR CODE TABLE WASHER HITACHI, NATIONAL, SHARP, TOSHIBA viewed here Products washing machine - refrigerator - freezer inland as very rare malfunctions, but sometimes a few errors occur, probably due to human impacts can also be caused by the product. When defective products, will announce on display to the user can partially understand the conditioning or washing machine damaged his house that timely corrective measures
PAN-IS DISEASE TYPE MODEL OF CONTENTS C1 brand MITSHUSTAR freezer room temperature probe C1 Washer HITACHI not enough water, water, water pressure, power cord from the board to the water valve. Washer SHARP C2 error detection buoys MITSHUSTAR gaz C2 C2 freezer washing machine does not drain HITACHI. HITACHI C3 washer extractor fails, halifax water no capping, broken door switch, power cord from board to switch off the door. HITACHI C4 washer extractor fails, toys in bins unbalanced. C8 HITACHI not lock washer lid, napchua considered closed, check the door switch. HITACHI C9 washer lid will not open, check the door switch. Running 40 minutes, interrupted Funiki CC24 10m air conditioning, CH24 sensor error. Concealed water flowing air conditioning heat exchanger dirty, dusty road sieve condensate water float switch, water pump failure, stuck. LG WASHER LIGHT (door) Word of OPEN, TO WIRE CONNECTOR BOARD PURPLE, Fireworks, magnetic sensors. halifax water Alarm lamp flashes halifax water Funiki CC24M freezer, halifax water CH24M Error float valve. def light / fan flashing Funiki CC24M freezer, halifax water CH24M Error outdoor sensor platforms. continuous flashing lights halifax water VR-160P Daewoo refrigerator compressor and blower does not work cause unstable voltage halifax water transformer damage leading to damage IC5 (1L0380R) as alternative to replace the changing world. continuous flashing lights Daewoo fridge VR-160P voltage applied to the cabinet too weak or unstable that if you fix by changing the resistor R6 in the circuit 10 Ohm resistor replaced with 47 Ohm 0.25W replacement halifax water fuse source 1.6 A through 3:15 A. Operation halifax water flashing lights Funiki CC24M air conditioning, CH24M Error sensor platforms. "Lights halifax water RUN continuous light (lamp timer blink 02 times)" refrigerator MITSUBISHI HEAVY "SRK10CEV-4 SRK13CEV-4 SRK18CEV-4 SRK24CEV-5" Error staging nong.may faulty compressor, halifax water kapa damage, lack of gas. Run the blue lights flashing freezer Funiki CC24, CH24 switch halifax water water inlet float valve stuck down. Run the blue lights flashing Funiki FC45S freezer, air FH45S 10kohm sensor error or sensor platforms in the 10Kohm (treadmill running cycle 40P, 10P interrupt) error protection against high temperature or freeze frame house ( block inactive) lost gas, or high-pressure sensors, low voltage broken, broken phase protection or inverted halifax water phase. "TIMER lamp light constantly (RUN light flashing 01 times)" refrigerator MITSUBISHI HEAVY "SRK10CEV-4 SRK13CEV-4 SRK18CEV-4 SRK24CEV-4" Senso staging itself is the problem, (broken loose pins) "TIMER lamp light venture continue halifax water (RUN light flashing 02 times) "refrigerator MITSUBISHI HEAVY" SRK10CEV-4 SRK13CEV-4 SRK18CEV-4 SRK24CEV-4 "Senso wind was in trouble. "TIMER lamp light constantly (RUN light flashing halifax water 06 times)" refrigerator MITSUBISHI HEAVY "SRK10CEV-4 SRK13CEV-4 SRK18CEV-4 SRK24CEV-4" air cooler fan Motor malfunction (motor defective, faulty board). timer lamp flashes Funiki CC24M air conditioning, air CH24M sensor error. E01 Funiki FC45M freezer, air sensor fault FH45M 10 Kohm (prohibited activities). E02 Funiki FC45D freezer, FH45D Broken sensor protection in the high-temperature unit (block not running) sensor test, test gas. Funiki FC E02 refrigerator, indoor fan runs only FH45, low pressure valve fault, high pressure phase difference. E02 Funiki FC45M freezer, halifax water FH45M error sensor platforms 10kohm (prohibited activities). E03 Funiki FC45D freezer, FH45D sensor failure protection against freeze frame house (not run block), check the sensor, check the gas. E03 Funiki FC45M freezer, FH45M Error outdoor sensor unit 10 kOhm, can fight off the machine still running normally. E04 Funiki FC45D freezer, gas loss FH45D error protection, (just run the fan in the house) look for them and reload gaz. E05 freezer Funiki FC, FH45 "Error sensor platforms (running 45p, 10p interrupts) air sensor fault." Funiki FC E06 freezer, FH45 Error sensor platforms (running 45p, 10p interrupts). Check probe 10kohm and jacks. halifax water E06 Funiki FC45M freezer, FH45M Flipped phase, the breakdown halifax water phase protection test high pressure and low pressure due to cable congestion, excess gas, gas shortage. E07 freezer Funiki FC, FH45 Error sensor outdoor staging, test probes and jack 10kohm, can fight off the probe in the control circuit board. E09 freezer Funiki FC, FH45 just run the fan in your home, or gas sensors in home staging (10kohm) wrong values. E1 error D950S TOSHIBA washer washing machine drain E1 SANYO ASW-U902T trouble over water machine E1 l
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