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Some twiedzÄ… that every kitchen should be a water filter. Others filtr deny this statement and boldly drink water straight from the tap. Who is right? To help you form an opinion on this subject are a few interesting facts and myths about the "tap water". Facts: water filter effectively stops any microbial water is tested in many ways, but often are not sure what state reaches our taps using a filter purify water not only microorganisms, but also from valuable filtr minerals, smell and appearance of water often effectively discourages us to eat it straight from the tap as opposed to mineral water, tap water does not come from a clean source and therefore should be treated so. chlorination treatment process provides microbiological purity, but gives very pleasant, characteristic taste and smell of water drinking tap water with a palpable high chlorine content is not recommended for pregnant women, small children and the elderly old pipes in their composition are such as lead, which can penetrate into the water Myths: applying filters fully protect against microorganisms, is a myth, because many bacteria collected in the filter and can penetrate the water filter tap water, you can always drink safely used long cooking improves our water quality of water mineral can be used to cook food more rad lady of the house:
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