Friday, October 24, 2014

Wednesday, April 9th, 2014 | Exchange Cards.

Versindaba Blog Archive Janita Monna. Roughing
The lion is a natural enemy of the antelope, being the greatest threat to the lion. The term "natural enemy" hardly needs further explanation. But what exactly is meant by an "unnatural enemy"? The Flemish poet Tom Van de Voorde enumerates in his latest collection, Love and some on earth. At 'a walker / without sound' is to put something purifying water there you can beat that awkward clash. But what to think of this?
Hangs over his latest collection, Love and Earth, in spite of the title, a grim haze. A haze which not one, get two, three barrel, but that 'sitting dead in ovens, "" glossed over citizens', 'cycling killers', defense lawyers, soldiers and corpses, emphatically seep into the rules.
The poems in Love and earth on the face of a deceptive simplicity. Nonchalant Van de Voorde can open with a simple statement like "My purifying water postman asks ..." To then let entangle in a totally ambiguous poem the reader. Because his method is particularly associative. These associations follow roughing. To give an example: one of the series 'Unnatural enemies purifying water "opens with a witty, or really quite absurd proposal to set up in the desert an' animal mask. In the following stanza Van de Voorde then used 'guest', a word that can be easily misread as 'gas chamber' - also because of the mask in the preceding lines. And suddenly insist on the background of the horrors of the Second World War, the poem inside.
So often flickering images purifying water of events from the more or less recent history of mankind in an unexpected combination of words attract foreigners over, breaking wars, as seen in newspapers or on TV everyday.
Only in the final poem, "The murder of Maurice Lippens' there is a more direct reference to current events. Namely the demise of the Flemish bank Fortis, which (though not killed) CEO Maurice Lippens was partly responsible. The tone of the poem is somewhat different from the rest of the bundle, though it was only the overtly sexual fantasies:
Poetry is artificial, so says Van den Voorde, made of steel. And precisely that language makes these poems, which are not necessarily easily accessible, intriguing, because there is another window on the history and contemporary reality offered.
Wednesday, April 9th, 2014 | Exchange Cards.
Briewe Boks Persvrystelling: Karin Schimke who wen 2014 Ingrid Jonker Prys vir English poetry a Garden full digters four fees Onlangse purifying water bydraes on Versindaba Marlies Taljard: That tent maker who Roebaijat Karen Kuhn. Paradisos in Greece Barrel VYF, Marlise Joubert: Same Marker "in a burning sea - Contemporary African Poetry in Translation" Loftus Marais. Shakespeare sonnet # 1 Wicus Luwes. Ear Dogs and hul neck bend Carina van der Walt. 'N Nuwe publikasie Besondere Trilogy: Fragmente from that Iliad (Homer) purifying water Leon Retief. Glen Sorestad in Kuba Nuutste Kommentare
Gert: Casually, ek still Altyd gewonder what that vir Afrikaans "The cas ... fox Mnr. Wysneus, thank ya teregwysing vir you. Helena purifying water was Menelaos ... Wysneus: Helena was that wom Menelaus (or how-even though our hom on African ... Wicus Luwes:. Dankie vir commentary that Gisela purifying water and René Ek enjoy Altyd that ... Karen Kuhn: Dankie purifying water vir who return Rene Bohnen: a Dog bly but he's a good spieël purifying water Dankie vir hierdie ... Rene Bohnen:. purifying water Dankie, Carina - that blog and those fresh to my ... Rene Bohnen Lord Like To blog back once Gisela. Ullyatt: Nice blog, Wicus Ek the generalized that part dog ear you what ... Willem: Karen, hierdie is fantasties Ek wishlist Love from Cape Town England Geyer: Jou fresh speak to my - baie thank ya, Karen Susan Smith....! :. Verruklike fresh Karen Ek sien after you next bundle England Geyer:.! Baie thank ya vir that reuse-bydrae what hamam albei Lewer Die ... Gisela purifying water Ullyatt:. Aangrypende gedigte Carina purifying water Stander: Again a duisend dankies, liewe Marlise , which jy vir ... Kolofon
Applicable Like Kommentare word welcome. Some like indecent or offensive Kommentare & bydraes sal sonder kennisgewing verwyder word. Kommentare also sal on versoek purifying water those skrywer verwyder word.- Red. Most gelées
Yves T'Sjoen. Read it, it says more than the text (6) Christine D'haen Gedigte: Afrikaans and Dutch Loftus Marais. Shakespeare sonnet # 1 gilbert purifying water gibson. us halfway which means Marlise Joubert. Sirië Joan Hambidge. Fresh additions NB Uitgewers
Maintai Barrel VYF, Marlise Joubert: Same Marker "in a burning sea - Contemporary African poetry in Translation" Barrel VYF, Nathan Trantraal - Wenner of that 2014 ATKV Woordveertjie vir poetry Interview with Charl-Pierre Na

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