Contains the combined filter cartridge. Removes suspended solids and impurities, small stones, rust and other particles. It absorbs chlorine in the water, the water takes away unpleasant odor, flavor. Just a reversing valve to operate, which is included with the machine.
With what benefits? completely remove the free and bound active chlorine completely removes the chlorine derivatives, eg carcinogenic trihalomethanes, chloramines - which in case of chlorination are always present removes the taste and odor-destructive material filters out airborne contaminants (rust, scale) 30,000 brite liters of clean, brite healthy water can be obtained with it. reduce the organic matter content (about 70%) in non-remove beneficial minerals (calcium, fluoride, magnesium), a small footprint with a sink easily fit anyone simply mount the carbon content of granular, making it much more efficiently filters the water other carbon filters no maintenance cost compared cartridge per year is recommended to replace the cheap, reliable, affordable by anyone purification device has a directional control valve, so do not be put-off szerelgetni when washing unfiltered water you want to use when traveling anywhere you can carry anywhere can be equipped with you do not have filter pad to clean plants highly recommended for all household water pressure for irrigation brite works well Technical Specifications Capacity: 30,000 liters, or up to one year. Filtration rate of 3 liters / min (5 bar pressure) Height: 28 inches brite Weight: 1 kg Minimum water pressure: 2 bar Maximum water pressure: 6 bar Maximum water temperature: 5-38 C
The table is very easy to install septic. Simply unscrew the tap filter (aerator) and screwed into place the directional control valve. brite If the threads on the end of the faucet tap changer will not fit, the filter is replaced by k özbetéthez screw on the relay team. In rare cases, the end of the traditional faucet pipe diameter is narrower, without any filter. Such flexible pipes end connector mounted on the gearbox bearings. Following equipment we recommend to open the tap for half a minute, brite while the smaller-grained brite víztisztítóból töltetrészecskéket not wash off the water flow.
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