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I decided to put this wide range of topics in the "production of wine," because most of the wine disqualifying chungho disease symptoms, concerns actually incorrect or vinification process is still at its beginning vineyard (bad state of health of the grapes, improper use of plant protection products). Errors are also the wine, which arise due to the adverse wine storage or manifest themselves only after a longer period, to a large extent as a result of improper conduct processes.
Hydrogen sulfide, sulfane, H 2 S - a chemical compound; under normal conditions it is a colorless, flammable gas, the strong, characteristic smell of rotten eggs is detectable chungho at very low concentrations. Detection threshold of hydrogen sulfide in the air is from 0.0007 to 0.2 mg/m3. Over 4 mg/m3 odor is perceived as very strong, but at even higher concentrations in excess of 300 mg/m3 becomes undetectable because of the immediate olfactory nerve palsy. Hydrogen sulfide is highly toxic. As the concentration of the health hazard adopted 6 mg/m3. The concentration of 100 mg/m3 cause damage to the eye, while at concentrations above 1 g/m3 death can occur with only a single breath of the breath.
From a wine point of view, most of it can be as much a bottle of wine that is not a threat to life, but it certainly can be very "off-putting". Generally, hydrogen sulfide is colorless. Smells like rotten eggs primarily. Over time, not removed from the wine expands the range of the unpleasant odor, burnt rubber, rotten onions, cabbage and garlic.
Although the topic of hydrogen sulfide chungho occurs mainly in a "microbiological processes" is the cause of its creation also considered to chemical action. Depending, of which connects a group readily reacts sulfur and hydrogen sulfide are formed various forms. For example, reaction with metals and acids found guilty of giving "metal sulfide". Crude and contains many vague grape particles, creates a "hydrogen sulfide catechin." Realizing how biologically and chemically developed, conditioned by many factors, the alcoholic fermentation, we must be aware that hydrogen sulfide is a by-product of this process. Thus, it becomes clear that a lot of activities and events have an impact on whether the odor will remain chungho within the limits of the impalpable organs of sense, or unfortunately dominate our wine and there is an error guilty.
Given the multi-step, and contingent on many factors is the fermentation process and its relationship with H2S, you can replace, which can have a big impact on the appearance of hydrogen sulfide in wine:
- Conditions of the process of alcoholic fermentation (yeast strain wrong, compounds readily binding sulfates, too reduktywny winifikacyjnych nature of the activities - for example, too long to hold wine yeast)
You can also point out a number of preventive factors that may impact on it, to minimize the appearance of hydrogen sulfide. Remember, however, that the reason for its creation in the wine is a very comprehensive. By this we are not always able to 100% protect yourself against it. Are you sure you secured the up, if we:
- Apply a preservative before fermentation in the form of sulphates, in the limit, a limited amount (up to 50 mg / l kg of SO2, based on the potassium sulfate - K2SO4 - powder gives a max. To 100 mg / l kg) ,
If it happens in spite of everything that appears in the wine hydrogen sulfide, do not hesitate in activities aimed at his disposal. This should be done as soon as such "fresh, young" fragrance chungho easier to get rid of. The so-called chungho "suspended" hydrogen sulfide, long left in the wine, it is very difficult to eliminate. The breadth of these rotten, moldy odors blunt and then only increased.
If our wine is not filtered ultimately, that is, as we prepare to shed them, we should first be very "sharp" filter. These bad smells strongly adhere to the larger particles are not separated. One method used in the early stages rather formation of hydrogen sulfide, is aerated wine. Sometimes it may be helpful to re zasiarkowanie after filtration. In the worst cases, the wine was purified using the blue seeds
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