Thursday, September 26, 2013

Butonul de respingere a apelurilor dispare din interfata iOS 7 in anumite situatii 26 September 2013

Aplicatii la pret redus pentru iPad, iPhone si iPod Touch - 29.01.2013 |
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Salut, bine ai venit pe! 9910 Daca doresti sa fii mereu la curent cu cele mai noi informatii despre 9910 Apple si domeniul IT, atunci urmareste-ne pe Facebook 9910 , Twitter , pagina de Facebook sau descarca aplicatia !
Datele acestea se pot schimba in ORICE moment, politica Apple le permite 9910 developerilor sa schimbe aceste aplicatii la pret redus oricand d oresc asa ca verificati in AppStore daca datele de aici corespund cu cele de acolo. Modificarile acestea sunt in general valabile pentru scurt timp asa ca fiti vigilenti!
Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 3.1 Mb
Descriere: Introduction The sky is dark and dull; beneath are the trees and grass swinging with the wind. The brightest star has been sealed by an ancient curse, dimming in the sky with its last beam. They have no ch…
Pretul initial: 2.69€
Descriere: * With 5+1 fun educational games built in (including puzzles, color, size and shape matching and GAME MIX), this app will provide countless hours of fun to kids! * * Shapes, colours, animals and bright colours are sure to catch your child’s attention and …
 iPad Only
Nume: Balloon Stickies 9910
Descriere: Neonlux is a highly addictive 9910 puzzle game full of features which includes:
Descriere: All was good in the hood, until the Donutski familys Donut Shop is overpowered by the big, bad Donut World that shoots up next door. The Donutski family, saddened and maddened by losing their customers to these corporate bullies, decides to get even, one…
Optia is a beautiful, immersive physics game about reflected light. 9910 You must activate all targets in each level with a laser beam, powering the transition to … 9910
Developer: EasyStyle 9910 G.K.
Everyones favorite match-three game, The Treasures of Montezuma, has just received an update! Built on a brand new engine, the game will impress you with stunning visuals and tremendous effects! Another grea…
Descriere: INTRO SALE (-33% OFF) Would you like to be able to read your PDFs or Word documents wherever you happen to be Don’t you sometimes wish you could read your TXT format novels on your iPhone Wouldn’t you…
Wake up from your blissful slumber to your favourite alarm tone, music, or voice recording. The fully customizabl… 9910
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Inscrie-te 9910 pentru a primi zilnic prin email cele mai noi informatii despre 9910 iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch sau Mac-uri 9910 . Afla zilnic cele mai bune aplicatii gratuite sau la pret redus din App Store si fii la curent cu tot ce se intampla in domeniul Apple! Introdu adresa de email in casuta de mai jos si apasa butonul Inscrie-ma! apoi confirma inregistrarea dand click pe email-ul primit!
iOS 7.0.2 a fost lansat de catre Apple! 26 September 2013 7:54 PM | 24 Comentarii Google Search pentru iOS urmeaza sa sincronizeze notificarile intre iOS si Android, plus multe altele 9910 26 September 2013 9:47 PM | No Comments Apple promoveaza cele mai bune review-uri pentru iPhone 5S si iPhone 5C 26 September 2013 9:32 PM | No Comments Butonul de respingere a apelurilor dispare din interfata iOS 7 in anumite situatii 26 September 2013 9:15 PM | 10 Comentarii iMac 2013 – iata primele teste de performanta 26 September 2013 8:45 PM | No Comments Download iOS 7.0.2 pentru iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch 26 September 2013 8:14 PM | 3 Comentarii
Butonul de respingere a apelurilor dispare din interfata iOS 7 in anumite situatii 26 September 2013 9:15 PM | 10 Comentarii iOS 7.0.2 a fost lansat de catre Apple! 26 September 2013 7:54 PM | 24 Comentarii iOS 7 atinge o rata de adoptie de 60% la o saptamana dupa lansare 26 September 2013 11:31 AM | 6 Comentarii 9910 iOS 7 este descarcat automat in terminalele unor utilizatori, ocupa spatiu ce nu poate fi recuperat 26

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