Thursday, May 22, 2014

- Have at each course

Home 0.1. Intro: Objectives educational blog "Aquaculture" 0.2. (English) Intro: 2011-12 "The Sea" 2012-14 Aims of the teaching blog "Aquaculture" 0.3.Présentation territory, School, Class 1 Shares Aquaculture Aqua Bac Pro 2 Comenius 3 Action Bac Pro Classes.... Aqua 2012-13 4.Outil Aqua Pro License liaison team Aquaculture Agde 2012-13 6. 5. Actions Classes Bac Pro Aqua Pro Agde in 2013-14 7. License Aqua 2013-14
- Set your computer drafting course on "Aqua" folder - DESO Report 2013 "of your class (" TermAQua ") of the College intranet (in a readable and printable format = doc or OpenOffice!.) And put regularly updated, diamond water as and when your writing (using a USB key if you work on another computer. ...).
- Have at each course "aqua" or "multi" documents "raw", drafts, drawings, diagrams collected during the course, with you.
S ee also 6.14. Video "Global Approach to an aquaculture operation for Dummies" as "living" example of what there is to put in a report.
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