Saturday, May 3, 2014


PROFILE SIGNATURE COLLECTION SOMETHING'S UP WITH THE WATER Collection signatures Greece Greece Signatories bodies Campaign Material Signatures for free downloading on the European Citizens' Initiative REFERENCE MATERIAL DOCUMENTARY waterfall shower / VIDEO ARTICLES / BOOKS LEGAL / FINANCIAL INFORMATION INQUIRIES RESOLUTIONS OF MUNICIPALITIES NEW LINKS Events Epanadimotikopoiiseis civil society communities waterfall shower Blue European Commission EYATh EYDAP Rest of Greece 'Other news CONTACT
PROFILE SIGNATURE COLLECTION SOMETHING'S UP WITH THE WATER Collection signatures Greece Greece Signatories bodies Campaign Material Signatures waterfall shower for free downloading on the European Citizens' Initiative REFERENCE MATERIAL DOCUMENTARY / VIDEO ARTICLES / BOOKS LEGAL / FINANCIAL INFORMATION INQUIRIES RESOLUTIONS OF MUNICIPALITIES NEW LINKS Events Epanadimotikopoiiseis civil society communities Blue European Commission EYATh EYDAP Rest of Greece 'Other news CONTACT
[Box] An extremely interesting and apokalytpiki, for our own future, an open letter was sent to MEPs from several Spanish waterfall shower organizations and the European Movement of water at the time of the Suez call for some MEPs to visit their facilities in Barcelona. The letter explains why the acceptance of such an invitation from their side is not 'just a nice chance for a wonderful trip to beautiful Barcelona ", but a significant waterfall shower support at the expense of folks who do lobby at EU level for the commercialization of water and a new wave of privatization in all countries plagued by debt, at the same time even when more than 1,200,000 Europeans have signed the European Citizens' Initiative for the recognition of water as a human right by the EU, following the same recognition the UN and the abandonment of these policies. In their letter explaining all open litigation and the specific problems that the company's actions have created and gruesome properties for infrastructure paid exclusively with public money. [/ Box]
As you know, the Suez-Agbar has invited you to visit the waterworks in Barcelona on March 1. No need to accept the invitation and also is useful to forward this letter to your colleagues. The presentation will be one-sided since there will sets out the views of all stakeholders Spaniards nor those of several NGOs, which is essential since the matter related to public business and the environment.
We know that the European Parliament is besieged by at least 15,000 lobbyists who daily promote the positions of large business groups and banks that what they wish to be included in the European Legislation. The acceptance of such behavior is contrary to the basic principles of the Republic, after the authorities concerned to satisfy private aspirations, disdain to be involved in serving the public interest, leading to degeneration of institutions and public functions. Thus endangering the Republic itself.
Especially in the case of water and its management as a key factor of human life and existence, this behavior waterfall shower endangers not only aquatic ecosystems but also social cohesion and human dignity. When executives of the undertakings concerned are recruited waterfall shower as experts in the field, called to advise on its own and the actions of employers, public authorities becoming partners in the crimes committed against society in order to serve economic interests of a few. It is possible that the Suez-Agbar to judge objectively when obviously advantageous to pursue a policy in 2012 yielded a profit of 2,45 million. When in the history of the privatization of public utilities had the support of society?
You should be aware that, following a judgment of 2010, the management of Suez-Agbar waterfall shower was illegal, as it lacked the necessary contracts, which create problems in relations with consumers. A similar problem may be encountered at around even twenty municipalities in the region. For addressing the Barcelona Metropolitan Administration created an new venture which he gave to the Suez-Agbar. During the process there were at least seven complaints, one of them presented by the very Generalitat (the Catalan autonomous government) waterfall shower and having a legal basis to exercise powers higher authority, while the other concerning waterfall shower issues waterfall shower of economic deals or breaches of regulations (which have been treated ). On the basis of such a FRET groups submitted petitions for corruption so prosecutors already waterfall shower controlling the municipal authorities of Barcelona, Barcelona are the Greater and the Suez-Agbar suspected offenses. Visit to

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