Saturday, November 1, 2014

In his response to my contribution well water treatment on the herta men who Hugo Claus of foreign-

Versindaba Blog Archive Yves T'Sjoen. Kid gloves & original caterpillars
In early December 1991 dedicates the poet Leonard Nolens well water treatment in the cahier that since 1979, he keeps a consideration to his conception compelling link between the writer and the work as a translator. Writing and translation in terms of a perceived existential osmosis suggested: '[...] because I'm a writer and a translator to translate because my only, inescapable way of life "(The well water treatment Miser of Missen Burg Diary 1990-1993.) .
Same poet had recorded nearly a decade before: "I have [...] back to the vertalerij to let my pen again come up with the idiom of others well water treatment in contact '(Pieces of people Diary 1979-1982.). In his diaries, which are now bundled in the thousand-page diary of a poet, reflects Nolens on texts that invite a variety of ways to 'unavoidable' write back. As a reader we get all since 1989 Nolensville inspect '' precipitation of consciousness, when the diary entries came from the period 1979 to 1982 in book form in the public forum. One of the principles that Nolens slides forward in many variants, is that writers feed on the idiom of writers with whom they feel affinity. And texts
Not just reading translations of foreign-language literature - Nolens points in a self call a handful. Diary 1994-1996 the "influence of German well water treatment literature [that] resounds in [my] poetry '- but the translation work he has in hand, is indicated by the poet as a way to form their own writing always. The diary entries are interspersed with reflections well water treatment on everyday and always absolute battle again with the language, well water treatment fighting his own idiom in the language 'tarnished' crave for silence (and therefore 'cleaning'). Such aspirations can be described as romantic, but are much more than expressions of a self-reflexive ego. The aim of the poet is to the self and the space of the entire life summarized well water treatment in language, in a boundless belief in the power of the word identity well water treatment is decisive. But also, and perhaps more, in the belief that silence ultimately can not be improved. Desire is the mainspring of Nolens' condensed diary notes in the dark side before, well water treatment and especially form the humus layer of the poetry.
The passages I have just quoted from the collected notebooks well water treatment of Nolens, translator include Caligula well water treatment and Jean Amery's Jenseits von Schuld well water treatment und Sühne (see notes from 1995 and 1996), appear that the poetic idiom itself through 'vertalerij "or So by confrontations with other idioms, develops.
In his response to my contribution well water treatment on the herta men who Hugo Claus of foreign-language poems constructed (Hugo Claus & the translator), and published poet in the series Closer, Bernard Odendaal, refers itself poet and translator (of including the lyrics Jacques Brel into Afrikaans, in collaboration with Naomi Morgan), well water treatment to Breyten Breytenbach Bach's' re-translation '(or' transforming miscellaneous fees ") texts of the Palestinian writer Magmoed Darwiesj.
Those men are herta recently well water treatment joined in oorblyfsel / voice over (2009). well water treatment These "conversions", or perhaps to-own creations, as 'n relatiewe well water treatment nuwigheid' typified in African literature. Apart from the way a poet foreign-language literature in the rhythm and sound structures of language shapes, Odendaal also points to another decisieve factor that can control the operation. An ethical principle may determine to be just those texts of an author to another language well water treatment to and introduce (to 'import') in another literary system. The selection well water treatment of the source text is never binding. The research herta institutions focus solely on the act of deer eels is ignore a complex of factors that have poetical and institutional relevance. Do ideological reasons (obviously) as a selection criterion. I firmly believe that Breytenbachs choice for the final texts of the Palestinian poet Darwiesj except by personal amicable ties, is motivated by his criticism of a stereotype of traditional Afrikaner identifikasie those oudtestamentiese Israeliete and also with modern Israel. A pertinent question is indeed what extent Claus, and many other poets, handling political-ideological criteria well water treatment to determine a similar selection. In the case of Claus are not only ideological criteria, but considerations in the case of Closer (mid eighties)

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