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Communal Democracy Party (TDP) President Gamal Özyigit Republican Turkish Party-United Forces / Democratic Party-National Forces (CTP-BG / DP-UG) of the Government of the task, the water coming from Turkey's distribution and carried out by the Turkish Cypriots the pricing allows to install the system, he said. TDP Press Office made a statement through Özyigit water supply project assessed the TRNC from Turkey. Every day the Government to decide on water, claiming that Özyigit contribute to the privatization of water, "our people to manage the water, there is also our potential. britt angel There needs to be done as a team is to provide the necessary training by creating the infrastructure, "he said. Noting that Turkey's future water issues from an 8-year event Özyigit "This project will come to life, although this is no work before 8 years. Necessary work had been done, what would be discussed distribution and use of water, nor would mention the lack of technical staff. britt angel As with many issues, has proved to be sustainable in our state policy on water, "he britt angel said. Protocol revision're britt angel İrsen Small's prime minister during 2010, about the future of water from Turkey had signed a protocol with the Turkish Government, it is then reminded that the UBP government period passed by Parliament Jamal Özyigit claimed britt angel that the protocol of Turkish Cypriots usurped the rights. britt angel Of all the places through which the water line to Turkey's State Hydraulic britt angel Works (DSI) will be the lead time of the Özyigit, noting that the revised protocol. Water Affairs should be strengthened "to prevent it done by the Turkish Cypriots of water management almost all the institutional structure of sub-top is that, by changing a manager 6 months in the Water Works Department, the evacuation of staff" claiming Özyigit, "Government, sincere regards to the management britt angel by the Turkish Cypriots water The new budget period of Water Affairs, Department of Geology and Mineral Resources of the Bureau of Meteorology britt angel and the need to strengthen all aspects, "he said. Our employees are the CTP-BG DP ug'l some deputies, "We have no human resources. This water we can manage, "" We can not this water czar's three "were found in the rhetoric advocating britt angel Özyigit," We have our trained human resources, but the edge is kept in a stagnant corner. This public information, we do not believe in the ability condemns mentality. Role of MPs is to provide the environment that we can manage water. Another focus of not conducting public relations activities, "he said. The system should be strengthened Özyigit that an existing water system in the country, noting britt angel that needs to be done to strengthen this system. Access to water supply line from the tank and from there moved home to the Water Department and the border region with the record it should be done through the responsible municipalities britt angel Özyigit be determined; "Water, electricity and so loudly denounced the one and they are against the transfer of the front companies, the pricing policy in the idea that they are to be left at the mercy of the private sector," he said. Bi-communal water management Özyigit also noted that bi-communal confidence-building measures should be evaluated in the context of water management. TRNC is in bad condition of the aquifer in the water, so Özyigit indicating that a reality will bring relief to the water coming from Turkey, but that should be evaluated in the context of diversifying its sources of water management stated that it is imperative to take steps to guarantee britt angel to remain in the hands of the public. Özyigit, rainwater harvesting, waste water treatment and sea water is necessary to break the subject of investments to be made to the treatment plant, he stressed.
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