Thursday, July 3, 2014

Oh, and before we went to the mountains to the bookstore and eat. We discovered this little side st

The mountains | Easier ...
We were then active. As early as ten o'clock in the morning, we were back legs, eaten and washed. Kulgesime quiet but firm pace among people. The first thing to greet us again broadwalk ocean views. As he had done in all the previous days. The eye was looking for this for a long permitted a great white ship on the horizon. But no. We had to pass before the long straight, and only then if the whole bay in front of us was single, it was hard to look past the big white ship. It was a really big eyes down and did all the other facing the Gulf laevukestele - regardless of their distance.
I do not know where or why ... I had the idea to go into the water by his feet. Oh yes, now I remember, it was of sand after. More specifically, they cause hives after. There is not yet reached these little annoying creatures filtered water bottle to write about. But here comes a dedication to them kurjamitele section. They are such tiny and resemble the most fruit fruit flies. But the difference is it's just that if they are just annoying and suggest käärivatest things, then sand flies (sandflies), come quietly, sitting in the legs (mostly below the knee - in our experience at least, is confined to the preferences of specimens), and the first special causing pain begin Suck blood - sometimes leaving behind a small spot of blood center. But it's just not scary or evil. The bad is that I do, who I would otherwise simply suffer mosquito bites (not scratch), and no later than the day after is just a small wheal, which is an itchy, even more so when it comes to liivakärbestega, the same kulbad gave a strongly signaled in two days time. Both in and out of a desire to please, first take the socks off (for some reason they do not tolerate heat hives, hot SAFE status - starts to itch worse), and also go into the water to cool his feet. This is what I did. Oh, how nice it was originally - mmm - but no long feel-it was not. Wade little more water to A'le show that it is not too cold, but then came out of. Flooded over the control of the legs and we started toward the library path. The sun peeked from behind the clouds for a day at the border, and that A believes there will be definitely a blue sky, began to take more and more shades of blue. And when it's hot and sharp stabbing the sun here. Initially was not so bad. Remained on track for the local craft fair that had apparently been arranged turistihordide mind. A wanted there to look around and that's what we did. There were all kinds of crafts. Aprons starting and ending with a painting of three participants. The latter wanted a great buy, but no clear is that - as we have homeless people - it did not matter, however, especially on the agenda. Tourists were ever brought to the small boats and taken away. To my surprise, it is a big ship could not last too much to flood the city. Even so, almost every second human being was moving Australian or any other tourist. Anyway, filtered water bottle I started out there under the scorching sun more and more evil. Then finally we went to the library. filtered water bottle Funny, but there we both began to freeze. I was being kept getting worse. We got one of our profile page yet been made, and then we went out there, filtered water bottle I was a little better, but in general, yes, it only got worse. Reminded of such fever-mortem status. A while control of his bank accounts and records of the EMT. Namely, an EMT will send a couple of days apart over and over again in the style of the messages, welcome to New Zealand, or rather Welcome to Indonesia. Caused some concern, but fortunately had both accounts EMT'i bills if reasonable or, well, predictable limits. It can not be 51 euros per minute calls to any way be considered to be reasonable :) but that's okay. Generally, there are several things that we have been able to learn it in two weeks. That development can take place, filtered water bottle and fewer and fewer so-called nuisance to surprise or deceive. Being that it was finally so bad that we decided to go home, and as a library for your free podcasts õuepealt neatly picked, then seadsimegi steps toward home. Before proceeding further, however, I wanted to climb to the port located at the mäenukile. We did it. The sky was not at that moment no longer a white bobble, not to mention the gray. Yes, that blue sky, I had not yet seen and experienced as well as scorching sun. Although the hat was on his head, but still effective. Otherwise the view was beautiful, pleasant tone of a sea full of ships, sailboats and boats else. The helicopter also still stumbled back and forth. Offer of the day was 220 dollars for 20 minutes õhulennu. Although it was better than the $ 450 for the 30.
Oh, and before we went to the mountains to the bookstore and eat. We discovered this little side streets in the city center. I can not believe how much life there too brief visit. Eateries, shops - everything. Bookshop bought one card and notebook A'le Zealand. Jewelry watched too. May is pretty much here. But initially abstained still buying. To still want to see the different options, filtered water bottle and then perhaps something :) Well, maybe a little strange, it seems that the local ehtega Spinning -'s obvious that a tourist: D In short, it is e

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