I had two weeks no soap made and it felt weird. But I had in mind a soap such as verbena (verbena) and I waited for my order (with EOs and Hydrolats). This soap I made for someone special, now I hope they find the soap well. Instead of water / milk I used a large part verveine hydrolat and what verbena tisane. It was a nice experiment. In the end, I added rosemary aquasense EO, vervaine Exotique EO and red vine leaves extract. The green color I achieved with 2 large spoons green clay powder and Centella asiatica. About powder that I had read that it is very good for the care of the skin (eczema, psoriasis). In Chinese, this herb is called "Fo ti ten", which means "elixir of long life '.
Sapun realizat pentru aquasense o persoană Speciala, care ma intrebase DACA now fac si cu Sapun verbina. Vazusem eu la la Occitane un Sapun care imi ramasese inimioara cu verbina, si am zis ca trebuia neaparat incerc sa si eu. In the locomotive apa, apa am folosit florala the verbina si Putina infuzie concentric rata din aceeasi planta. Initial, la amestecul cu soda, culoarea devenise Galbena, dupa care se shadow base in galben-pillarisation, insa odata Turnat in ulei, culoarea devenise galben deschis un-alb. Am ramas foarte mirata, Mon asteptam la un verde cat the cat. Am pus argila verde si pudra the Centella aquasense asiatica si astfel obtinusem o verde culoare deschis. In Chineza, aceasta planta se numeste "Fo ti tien", ceea ce inseamna elixir pentru o viata lunga. L am parfumat cu ulei the verbina exotica, rozmarin am pus si si cateva linguri the APA the vita de vie. Sapunurile in galben-maroniu, le am colorat aquasense cu ajutorul unei alte pudre: Urucum (Bixa orellana). Cam atat deocamdata.
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DACA sincer, pentru prima data aud the verbina, dar dupa ce to ceea scrii, aquasense pare ceva interesting si demn the incercat. forma ..... ma impresionat, now prea am intalnit Sapun in the forma Frunza aquasense si cu o culoare foarte apropiata aquasense the cea a frunzei.
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