Thursday, February 27, 2014

How long are the same in any language Pvitrtm and foremost consider the origin remain a fantasy? Du

T Shayi Shuddhtawad perhaps not the supporters of that word in Hindi unemployed is not a popular option. There are many words of Arabic, Persian, fridge filters Turkish, Portuguese, English etc. languages come from and we have mingled with their native dialects fridge filters of Hindi and by jowl behave like words. Does not realize that until a few hundred fridge filters years ago our ancestors were strangers. Found in the Hindi soap does not get a word out. Similar to bet you have a simple expression in Hindi? The containers we use for drinking tea from a cup for her Persian origin, teacup (in Persian Piyal ) But such words are made in Hindi, Hindi in these an easy choice is noticeable Most popular is the word that comes to mind in this context that the cup is in English. But of course we have the words of Sanskrit texts he goblet, the hearts, minds and touched his tongue is left now. Thursday is only recommended, purists recommend pen with words on the tongue, does not have any qualms. Ask your heart and see. Shuddhtawad fact a kind of bigotry which is not being of society, fridge filters neither the language nor literature. If the language is good is rich in culture.
How long are the same in any language Pvitrtm and foremost consider the origin remain a fantasy? During the visit to the passing eye views of those who tell us why you want to say those words, not eager to open the mouth without the hundreds of millions of our tongue will Once the workout. We ignore fridge filters the past thousands of years ago and today she is bearable reality we do not see that the head is speaking climb. I urge that you speak such words, make it. If their identity is as exotic words, do you think we can get rid of them is & #

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