Filters for drinking water: increase water quality in the household
Feng Shui What is Feng Shui? Facilities analyze News Blog Authors Team Scene whispers Residence Flat search Flat plan living type test Wohnstile colors Top 10 Tips Kitchen Children walls make bamboo furniture houseplants decluttering Three Crate method Just 5 minutes Bagua harmony in life Three doors Bagua compass Bagua health diet cancer big berkey Spirituality & Love Partnership Singles Lifestyle Travel conception calendar name generator knowledge Yin & Yang Ching Five Elements Kua Number compass reading Flying big berkey Stars BaZi Horoscope geomancy electromagnetic pollution big berkey free energy European FS Guides Top advisers 2014 shopping tips
What happens to the water, and soon happens to man. We insist to 75 percent water. Drinking water is a foodstuff for which there is no substitute. Where it falls ill, and soon falls ill man. We are responsible for the water and the form in which we take it to us.
Although water is one of the best controlled food in Germany, it is not always just pure drinking water that comes out of our taps. The cases of drinking water alarm have in this country more frequently in recent years. In addition, big berkey a number of residues in the water can not be detected with conventional test methods. Exaggerated media reports even speak of the "pharmacy in the faucet".
But the fact is that more and more of our civilization residues pollute the drinking water. Starting with nitrates and estrogens to antibiotics, big berkey gene fragments and remnants of pesticides to radioactive big berkey substances - our groundwater, from the food, for example, a lot of deep wells for drinking water, has long earned in many German regions no longer the predicate 'naturally pure'. The question is: How can you protect yourself as a "normal person" from contaminants in drinking water?
A good way to drinking water in their own homes without big berkey chemical additives "prepare", provides the use of a separate drinking water filter. This can be at almost any location in the home and install disappears ideally just under the sink. High-quality drinking water filters are characterized by a high filtering big berkey performance, are removed big berkey from the water by the example, micro bacteria such as E. coli and faecal streptococci and many other pollutants such as chlorine, PAH, lead, copper and other drug residues between 90% to> 99% ,
Advantage of the water filter in the household is that you even have the quality of your water in his hand and not have to rely on whether in fact come clean water from your line at any time. You can ensure that carbonite be changed filter inserts or other filters based on activated carbon at regular intervals (approximately every 6 months) In addition, even.
More information: Water Filter: No compromise on the quality of water! Filters for drinking water: Pure water for the whole family Fatal error: Uncaught exception SoapFault: [s: client] 10750009 | No result is available. Please check your parameters and credentials and try again. - At utc [2015-01-15 09: 17: 07.6] in /homepages/23/d210165646/htdocs/shopping-tipps/wp-content/themes/default_de/ws/api.php:28 Stack trace: # 0 / homepages / 23 / d210165646 / htdocs / Shopping Tips / wp-content / themes big berkey / default_de / ws / api.php (28): SoapClient -> __ call ('Search big berkey Products', Array) # 1 / homepages / 23 / d210165646 / htdocs /shopping-tipps/wp-content/themes/default_de/ws/api.php(28): SoapClient-> Search Products (Array) # 2 / homepages / 23 / d210165646 / htdocs big berkey / Shopping big berkey Tips / wp-content / themes / default_de / single.php (107): include ('/ homepages / 23 / d ...') # 3 /homepages/23/d210165646/htdocs/shopping-tipps/wp-includes/template-loader.php(74) : include ('/ homepages / 23 / d ...') # 4 /homepages/23/d210165646/htdocs/shopping-tipps/wp-blog-header.php(16): require_once ('/ homepages / 23 / d ... ') # 5 /homepages/23/d210165646/htdocs/shopping-tipps/index.php(17): require (' / homepages / 23 / d ... ') # 6 {main} thrown in / homepages /23/d210165646/htdocs/shopping-tipps/wp-content/themes/default_de/ws/api.php on line 28
Feng Shui What is Feng Shui? Facilities analyze News Blog Authors Team Scene whispers Residence Flat search Flat plan living type test Wohnstile colors Top 10 Tips Kitchen Children walls make bamboo furniture houseplants decluttering Three Crate method Just 5 minutes Bagua harmony in life Three doors Bagua compass Bagua health diet cancer big berkey Spirituality & Love Partnership Singles Lifestyle Travel conception calendar name generator knowledge Yin & Yang Ching Five Elements Kua Number compass reading Flying big berkey Stars BaZi Horoscope geomancy electromagnetic pollution big berkey free energy European FS Guides Top advisers 2014 shopping tips
What happens to the water, and soon happens to man. We insist to 75 percent water. Drinking water is a foodstuff for which there is no substitute. Where it falls ill, and soon falls ill man. We are responsible for the water and the form in which we take it to us.
Although water is one of the best controlled food in Germany, it is not always just pure drinking water that comes out of our taps. The cases of drinking water alarm have in this country more frequently in recent years. In addition, big berkey a number of residues in the water can not be detected with conventional test methods. Exaggerated media reports even speak of the "pharmacy in the faucet".
But the fact is that more and more of our civilization residues pollute the drinking water. Starting with nitrates and estrogens to antibiotics, big berkey gene fragments and remnants of pesticides to radioactive big berkey substances - our groundwater, from the food, for example, a lot of deep wells for drinking water, has long earned in many German regions no longer the predicate 'naturally pure'. The question is: How can you protect yourself as a "normal person" from contaminants in drinking water?
A good way to drinking water in their own homes without big berkey chemical additives "prepare", provides the use of a separate drinking water filter. This can be at almost any location in the home and install disappears ideally just under the sink. High-quality drinking water filters are characterized by a high filtering big berkey performance, are removed big berkey from the water by the example, micro bacteria such as E. coli and faecal streptococci and many other pollutants such as chlorine, PAH, lead, copper and other drug residues between 90% to> 99% ,
Advantage of the water filter in the household is that you even have the quality of your water in his hand and not have to rely on whether in fact come clean water from your line at any time. You can ensure that carbonite be changed filter inserts or other filters based on activated carbon at regular intervals (approximately every 6 months) In addition, even.
More information: Water Filter: No compromise on the quality of water! Filters for drinking water: Pure water for the whole family Fatal error: Uncaught exception SoapFault: [s: client] 10750009 | No result is available. Please check your parameters and credentials and try again. - At utc [2015-01-15 09: 17: 07.6] in /homepages/23/d210165646/htdocs/shopping-tipps/wp-content/themes/default_de/ws/api.php:28 Stack trace: # 0 / homepages / 23 / d210165646 / htdocs / Shopping Tips / wp-content / themes big berkey / default_de / ws / api.php (28): SoapClient -> __ call ('Search big berkey Products', Array) # 1 / homepages / 23 / d210165646 / htdocs /shopping-tipps/wp-content/themes/default_de/ws/api.php(28): SoapClient-> Search Products (Array) # 2 / homepages / 23 / d210165646 / htdocs big berkey / Shopping big berkey Tips / wp-content / themes / default_de / single.php (107): include ('/ homepages / 23 / d ...') # 3 /homepages/23/d210165646/htdocs/shopping-tipps/wp-includes/template-loader.php(74) : include ('/ homepages / 23 / d ...') # 4 /homepages/23/d210165646/htdocs/shopping-tipps/wp-blog-header.php(16): require_once ('/ homepages / 23 / d ... ') # 5 /homepages/23/d210165646/htdocs/shopping-tipps/index.php(17): require (' / homepages / 23 / d ... ') # 6 {main} thrown in / homepages /23/d210165646/htdocs/shopping-tipps/wp-content/themes/default_de/ws/api.php on line 28
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