Thursday, January 15, 2015

At 9 we woke sound of hammer pitsos on anvil cold wet while sharpening your grandfather scythe. Bla

Home "Mikael" - Roman online "Urban Stories" -SCH "Three pitsos Essays on the spirit of" -1 "Three Essays on the spirit of" -2.1 "Three Essays on the spirit of" -2.2 "Three Essays on the spirit" -3 meaning of life between authentic and conventional
I could not wait to come tonight to catch beetles large, rough feet which I clung to the skin. You scared the girls, stuffing them into one shirt and look at them as they are hysterical because of poor gas ephemeral as holiday months, even if he said great, so quickly passed pitsos the three months that no I realized that there was already beginning September 1 and the school was not so far as I imagined it to me on June 15th.
We play hide and seek on-nserat. I was hiding with a girl my age by Dumenzeu know what thistles and burdocks, only to cuddle. pitsos What we knew at that age? Joardă grandmother to come after us to get in the house. I did not want to go into the house any nohow.
Heating grandmother one hogshead of water, we put all three in the tub and rub us with homemade soap, rub us, so we said. The truth is that there was no TV, no playstation, not to mention the PC, so I was filled pitsos with mud up to his neck. I went to the river Timiş, doing one pier so we can bathe properly. I stole a piece of loaf in pantry and some cheese, and not until we returned home at night. Just to have fun, we rubbed with mud, and we ran each other saying that we humans swamp, pitsos or omu 'black, and you catch it throw it into the water to wash. They seem so far away that time, it seems impossible that I should ever be in a different world than the one in which I find myself.
In the evening, after my grandfather help him gather the hay and put the sheep in the pen puts us at the table. Grandma fried potato patties, breaded zucchini or Near us was one big pan as you put sheep cheese. When the bite of hot cheese stretched langoşul bite once in Langa, once in red. I could swear those were the most beautiful moments of my life, although I have not even shorts Ladies helps cut my mother a pair of long trousers, and walk all summer with the same pair of sandals. The first was buckles which leaped like hell when I was one miuta in front of the goal, had nothing, tie them with wire and go for it. I had a few shirts out to play, the rest of them păastram good, this play were stained cherry pitsos or cherry, plum or who knows what I climb the tree to pick fruit stuffing them in his bosom, where else, the bags were in great time.
How many a big fat moth revolved around the bulb dim kitchen, while his grandmother breathe a Carpathian Mărăşeşti or without filter of course, after all kitchen's room. We frolic pitsos around pitsos the house, pitsos jumped on the stove in bed, and then I climb back, we push each other, which resists to stay longer on the stove. Login grandparents and yelling at us, but I knew more intimidating grandfather we never touched, pitsos he was a gentle man who always take our defense before the grandparents. "My, you're devils children, break the bed and have to exchange bows again," said the grandfather then went back yard. Grandfather, God rest his soul in peace, go past the house and woke up first at 5 am was standing. "Nea Wallachia," cried neighbors, "Good Morning, Uncle Muntenia" and come back and gave them as warmly greet like to be revised pitsos after several pitsos years of separation.
At 9 we woke sound of hammer pitsos on anvil cold wet while sharpening your grandfather scythe. Blankets out with grass after a big cup of tea with two slices smeared with eggplant and cheese, we prepare grandmother morning. The plates were already stretched when we stretch our bones. Blankets out with grass, and I had no worries, expecting to get bored so hard to miss school. pitsos And when looking for a book by Aunt library. She came and told me, that's not you, and gave me Hackleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer ba, ba Winetou or White Fang, or any book by Jules Verne. Once aunt caught me at about 11 years that read "Sons and Lovers" by DH Lawrence, I made the fool, though I did not know they read.
It was a time of innocence, like media, the avalanche pitsos of information has raised the status of seriousness everything pitsos too seriously, the easier things, but it has also polluted. pitsos We run the snobbery of fanfaradă, we want to be as open, but if we are increasingly alienated from ourselves. We take refuge increasingly virtual, we're possible, courage, desire to dream with our eyes, to entertain us with their imaginary fantasies. We have no desire to

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