Friday, January 23, 2015

Trying ecocamel then to today, precise references to events that will fulfill the prophecies of Rev

Until today, from patristic era were developed numerous comments, particularly on the spiritual side symbolic prophecies. But many of the Fathers of the Orthodox Church Universal, dressed with grace and light in spirit, they reveal that the prophets actually a less allegorical, referring to the concrete ecocamel reality of the eschatological period.
Trying ecocamel then to today, precise references to events that will fulfill the prophecies of Revelation, of certain saints like St. Cosmas and St. Nilus of Etoliei Athos, or of some special spiritual spiritual parents who have left not long, for example ecocamel pious Paisie Aghiratul (1994) come to complete the work by the Savior is helping the Church to recognize the "signs of the times", not the starting unrest, state which does nothing to betray a little faith generating a frenzied panic, generally feature protestant groups, but to increase confidence that all the words of Scripture ecocamel are true and will be fulfilled precisely at the right time and to godly living as hot in the spirit of the first Christians, freeing us from the poisonous spirit of total current secularized ecocamel society. Or, if everything is fulfilled exactly, means that much desired together with Christ-like life approach, which should fill us with zeal for life as a cleaner, saving even spiritual.
Evolution of world events, viewed through a filter built on spiritual study of the Scriptures, vietuirea in Christ through prayer and participation ecocamel in the sacraments ecocamel of the Church, strengthen our belief that everything is moving ecocamel towards the fulfillment of the prophecies almost literally Saint John. This paper, through the wealth of information (which ecocamel unfortunately ecocamel until now lacked completely, especially pastors of souls) and materials developed by a work of synthesis of many springs, thereby providing a minimum stock of knowledge, comes to clear up an issue in Romania is still treated at the rumor or charged as unimportant spiritual, especially by those accustomed to use their only reason even in areas completely spiritual. It is so called electronic newsletters which are "rumored" ecocamel to be "somewhat" anti-Christian.
It is intended, therefore, that acasta ecocamel book to support priests, Fathers, students in theology, and our Church hierarchy, ie those who will respond ecocamel with his own life or loss of salvation of souls entrusted to the shepherds, so as not to give rise to facile interpretations on problem, causal interpretation, of course, the complete absence in Romania (intentional or not) accurate data on the subject, but also a certain indifference, a "lounging" spiritual occasioned mainly by the lack of a true liturgical and prayer experiences and the worldly spirit completely secularized, which defines all aspects of our daily lives.
Exposure data on the topic is given in the first part of the paper, the second coming to add comments spiritual spiritual personalities trademark of Hellenic Orthodox Church and taking official position unfortunately not mentioned until now no Romanian ecclesiastical publication, loops of Mount Athos and the Holy Synod of Greece, a country with a rich experience, but bitter in this area.
The work is completed by three annexes extremely important for correct assessment of the seriousness of the subject tratat.In Finally, a rich literature supports ecocamel those who wish verification of the statement or continue on their own to investigate further on the matter.
We sincerely wish that this paper is not to arouse panic, but "the good anxiety" ecocamel leads to salvation, then honest self research to see if we are prepared spiritually for upcoming events, and proximity to a more intense life of prayer, that bring grace and confidence that will prove who really Christians will go "get the joy of their Lord."
With God's help, we will try to dive together in deciphering the mysteries of the 13th chapter of the Book of Revelation, seeking to demonstrate fulfillment of at least three quarters of the prophecy of St. John the Theologian. If that already live Revelation, now seems somewhat difficult to accept ecocamel for yourself, empower yourself with patience to be able to judge for themselves, according to testimony that will bring, that is the truth. ecocamel
"... Over the whole tribe and people and tongue and nation. And they shall worship him all those who dwell on the earth, whose names are not written from the foundation of the world, in the book of life of the Lamb slain. (Rev. 13: 8) ". ecocamel
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