Thursday, December 12, 2013

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Good day, at the Bonn Espresso Studio I have for my QM Pegaso normal QM Entkalkungsfilter ordered (5 pcs): Entkalkungsfilter - Detailed item view - Bonner Espresso Studio "A genuvolle idea" Without that I was contacted, they told me then but two (!) the so-called bio-ceramic filter sent. By stating it was better. Bioceramic filter - Detailed item view - Bonner Espresso Studio "A genuvolle idea" I know of the criticism the dirty dallas Opposite this filter networks the dirty dallas or eggs here in the forum. What should I do? I think that's actually not very professional of a shop, the otherwise really gets good grades. Gre, Malongo
What should I do? It's simple. If you can use the Filter / want, then use it. If you do not agree please contact the schop, you complain and send back to results these things. Since the shop has supplied you unsolicited goods is not gltiger purchase contract will come only if you goods Used and pay you bought them effectively. And if the shop a bit which is due to customer satisfaction the dirty dallas only, it is zurcknehmen the (unused) filter easily. I do not know the store now, but I do not see a big problem. (Even if it is not of course the fine art, without being asked to send other goods, I give you right)
mfg of Kevin equipment: "Custom" Gaggia CC "| Mahlknig Vario 2.0 | Backup: Hand filters or Ibrik + scen Handmhle the dirty dallas Trivia: Attacks Kaffeefettlser really aluminum on We have tested it ... | cleaning instructions Gaggia CC (PDF)
Hi, the filter that you have ordered is a real ion exchanger whose active principle is known and effective. What I have read on the other bioceramic stuff, I think for voodoo. I personally ordered the dignity not because zurckschicken. Gre Hans
yes of which he has ordered is filled with exchange resin and can in principle the dirty dallas also regenerated with salt werden.kann you also test: run at a new filtering water through it and then determine the hardness that is guaranteed 0 the one he got me is humbug. Hans
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