Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sunbathing, however, that the benefits would be, it is enough to stay on the beach for 10-20 minute

Sun, 10 Aug
Not all people can not see well-rested after the holidays. Completely incomprehensible, which have appeared in these wrinkles, scaly skin pigmentation, and the ugly. These problems could have been avoided, however, ln3 if you are properly fed and had not gone to the beach before going to the shower.
Distributing holiday for two jokers: short and disastrously short. Therefore, there is nothing strange in the fact that many of us are trying to leave all the warm rays of the sun on the beach under the water. And do correctly. Medical research has long shown that good well being, we need ultraviolet radiation. It elevates mood, allows ln3 the stress to be resisted and that helps the body fight colds, infektsioon- and allergic diseases. Besides, the sun's rays produce vitamin D, which not only strengthens bones and muscles, but also helps to combat excess weight. Sunshine vitamin promotes active leptin synthesis. Leptin is also known as "satiety hormone". Thus, while under UV light, the long forgotten hunger.
Sunbathing, however, that the benefits would be, it is enough to stay on the beach for 10-20 minutes a day. Just this period, dermatologists must stay under the sun for optimal time if not used for additional protection. No fee to sit for longer, otherwise it will become a loyal ally of ultraviolet insidious and dangerous enemy who could cause great harm to the health. If you set your skin vulnerable to sun down, could know the following. Ultraviolet rays, which penetrate the Earth's ln3 atmosphere, consisting of 2% of the active especially in UVB-rays. Due to these and unfortunately we päevitamegi burn too.
The remaining 98% is, however, less active, yet extremely devious ln3 UVA rays. They do not cause us any sensations, yet undetected penetrate deep layers of the skin, and do a lot of damage, provoking premature ln3 aging. It has been observed that those who overdo sun exposure during youth and bake yourself a dark brown or skin care for safeguarding has been seen in the 35-närtsimise characters. The skin loses elasticity ln3 and becomes rough and wrinkles show up there first.
However, it does not mean that you should constantly just to sit in the shade. Just leave must be thoroughly prepare - to worry about a good defense moisturizer to balance your diet and staying on the beach to meet basic safety precautions.
While your beautiful porcelain skin color might envy, even Snow White, you can not manage without the hoods anyway. By the way, it should not be ignored by the tõmmunahalised who tan starts instantly attached. Harmful radiation affects everyone the same way, regardless of the amount of melanin. Sneaky rays penetrating not only the epidermis, dermis, or they move deeper into the dermis toward the skin giving a strong impact on immunity. Negative effects can be seen in the next day or so, instead ln3 of ten years. Therefore, before you allow your body to the sun, do not forget about your skin protected.
Selecting personal protective equipment, attention must be paid to the index of SPF (Sun Pprotection ln3 Factor). ln3 Number that indicates how long you can stay on the beach with no untoward consequences. Your skin is not difficult to calculate an appropriate index. Look for several minutes after your skin starts to turn red in the sun unprotected without. This is the time span of the epidermis independently capable of withstanding ln3 the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. In the future, however, are depleted skin protection options. The index allows to extend the number of times the SPF. After that, the options expire. Multiply your epidermis time for self-digits, which stands for the index follow. ln3
For example, 10 minutes, the SPF x 6 = 60 minutes. This means that after you've used the tool on the skin, you can stay up all hours of the beach, and your skin will not desert it. The higher the index, ln3 the longer you can soak in the sun.
Note, however, that an increase in the level of protection the filter will decrease your chances of acquiring a chocolate colored skin. Different include various SPF factors of blocking ultraviolet rays. For example, SPF2 keeps sticking around 50%, SPF10 - 85%, SPF15 - 95%, but as many as 97% of SPF30. Higher levels of more than 30 does not ensure greater protection from ultraviolet rays, but lets just without the risk of getting burnt in the sun for longer periods.
In fact, it is not enough to develop the required SPF calculation. In order to effect the necessary sun protection way, it must also be water-resistant. Ultraviolet rays can penetrate easily into the water, and are reflected there. Thus, taking a dip in the sea, pool or river without protection, you risk a double-dose of radiation skin burns, and strong of age. To prevent this from happening, look for the label on the word Waterproof (water proof). And do not forget to pay attention to the texture from the instrument. If you have oily or mixed skin, thicker preferred tool. Normal Skin Cream is suitable for normal, dry skin, however, should caress with oil, which is active moisturizing component. For example, hyaluronic acid.
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