Thursday, August 28, 2014

Water analysis aqua science is part of the service agreement with Enwa, but I have not actually got

EnwaMatic water treatment is a chemical-free, and efficient sludge and air separator which also regulates the pH, alkalinity and water hardness. This provides an effective protection against corrosion and extend the heating and cooling plant life.
EnwaMatic water treatment uses delstrømsprinsippet. This means that a partial flow of the liquid in the heating or cooling rate being led away from the main course and into the water treatment plant. Where it is treated and then be led into the main course again. The amount of partial flow and size of the water treatment plant, calculated on the basis of the total volume in the heating or cooling system.
On its way through the water treatment plant, the water passes through the various filter media. A distinction sludge and particles such as rust, humus and scale out. PH, hardness and alkalinity are adjusted and bacteria removed. The reason for wanting to do this, is that without effective treatment will dirt and debris over time clog components outside the facility, and add itself as an insulating layer around the pipe. This reduces the efficiency significantly. Error water values will also create corrosion in the piping. aqua science The flow of water is run through the water treatment plant using diffreansetrykket of the main pumps in the heating or cooling system. This is achieved by inserting the pipe for withdrawing water that enters the vannbehandlingsanleggt pressure side of the circulation pumps. The return from the water treatment plant is fed into the suction side of the circulation pumps. On heating or cooling systems with low differential pressures, it may be necessary to install an auxiliary pump.
As time passes, the filter media in water treatment plant will be contaminated. EnwaMatic water purifier has a simple and ingenious way to deal with this. The valve can be closed the water treatment plant based on the primary system, and reverse flow. This is called backwash. It adds when fresh mains water that goes the opposite way in the water purifier. The water then takes with him the sludge and deposits, and is further flushed out to the drain. Watch a video about this at the bottom of the post. Back Flushing can be done either as a manual procedure with manual valves, aqua science or fullautomatiseres using actuators and automation.
A normal "healthy" heat or cooling systems should aqua science be back flushed every 14 days. Tilbakspyling should be performed more frequently in new construction, or retrofitting older plants where it has not been done before treatment.
In summary leading water treatment aqua science following aqua science heat or cooling system:
The filter's behavior in EnwaMatic water treat
The main problem of segmenting \ coated \ corrosion resistance in closing facility is air. When you flush enwafilteret with mains water (which is acidic and full of oxygen.) What happens? - You add lots of air to the plant and fresh water is not good. Try to drain a pint of bottled water and see how much air is coming.
Water analysis aqua science is part of the service agreement with Enwa, but I have not actually gotten any feedback so far. The water has certainly aqua science been better visually on all the plants that we have installed the system. aqua science The worst facility I've aqua science ever seen had so "fuzzy" and muddy water at startup that water treatment plant sealed completely right after startup. When we had solved this prpblemet tilbakespylte we daily for a month, and then the water was perfectly clean.
You have a good point when it comes to the supply of fresh water in the heating / cooling system by backwashing, but the alternative is much worse. Doing nothing will grow in the pipes. Chemical water treatment, I am not a fan of. This is polluting and requires a lot of monitoring of drives. After 20-30 heat and cooling systems to operate this would require an additional power is only on this. The small amount of mains water and oxygen that gets into the system during backwash think I EnwaMatic and vacuum separator can handle pretty smoothly.
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