Sunday, August 31, 2014

If the main guy is already contaminated with lime should be cleaned with a Fernox DS-40 System Clea

What causes calcium deposits? Minerals in chalk or limestone formed when water seeps through the ground and collect in aquifers. These minerals remain in the water supplied into the water supply. Finally, when the minerals central heating and other water-based systems, where they build up over time and cause blockages in pipe systems, efficiency and premature failure of components. These problems can occur both in primary systems (central heating) and secondary systems (private water).
Mineral deposits, best known as lime consists primarily of calcium and magnesium carbonates which are generally insoluble. Lime occurs when these are deposited by heating water that contains water-soluble bikarbonatsalter (which is thermally unstable and decompose to form carbonates).
If the main guy is already contaminated with lime should be cleaned with a Fernox DS-40 System Cleaner, a citric acid-based cleaner. However, descaling alone does not restore the central system's original state. instapure After descaling, it is important to protect your system against further decalcification instapure by adding Fernox Protector F1.
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